Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thank You

I would like to thank all reader of this blog for the whole semester, not forgetting our beloved lecturer Sir Ahmad bin Ibrahim.

By now most of you know what grade you get in Ethnic Relation subject =)

How many of you got an A?

anyone failed this subject?

Are you satisfy with the grade?

Well for me, I thought I can get better grade (I got B- the lowest grade in any of my subject I have taken so far....LoL ), maybe because I did really bad in the final examination. In the class I know, I'm quite active voicing out my "opinion" than my other classmate. Well at least I tried my best.

I learn a lot during Sir Ahmad class, the style of teaching is different from other lecturers. I think among all the PBMSK subject I have taken so far, you are by far most relax lecturer, and I enjoyed every class that I attend. The assignment you give us is not too big burden to carry. But, you are the most strict lecturer. What I hate about this subject is, this subject got FINAL EXAMINATION compare to other subject PBMSK offer. Because of this subject and Islamic Institution , my final examination schedule pretty much screwed. In one day I got double paper, and both paper are three credit hour. I bet most of us got really bad grade for the Electromagnetic Field Theory.

Lastly I'm sorry for all the trouble we have cause you (if any), and thank you for all the lecturer that have teach us during the whole semester.

I'm thinking of taking over this blog and continue it with more diverse material.